Caroline Shipsey

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Swans of Wells

Swans of Wells is a really great arts project that will be on the streets of Wells throughout the summer. It's colourful, fun and at the end of it in September will raise, hopefully, a huge amount of money for local charities.

All the swans have been sponsored by local businesses and individuals and imageinatively decorated by some very talented artists. I'm loving it, such fun to go around finding and photographing each one.

Both visitors and locals alike are really engaging with the spirit of the exhibition, equipped with their Trail Maps and seeking out as many as possible.

I've dedicated a gallery to my photos and this will be a project that continues throughout the summer. My plan is to record each swan and some of the detail, and then to include images of people interacting with them. It's great fun watching kids especially though they are inclined to try and climb on the swans which is to be seriously discouraged!

You can see my photos at is the website where you can find out much more about the project.