After speaking to one father it seems that the attitude is one of 'Well if My kids see others climbing all over the swans, they want to do it, and why should I stop them? '
I pleaded with him that the children could damage and devalue the swans, which have been sponsored (paid for!) by local individuals and businesses, and will be auctioned for local charities. His response - the swans are 'too child friendly' and should have been mad stronger and more child resistant! Oh and that the stone plinths should have rounded edges and so less potentially dangerous to children.
The most vulnerable swans are those in the Market place and around the Bishop's Palace and Moat. Unless they are protected in some way then come the summer holidays one can only imagine the extent of damage they'll suffer.
I'm so disappointed that some parents apparently believe that if something is in a public area it's fair game for using as playground equipment.
In fairness, this child was actually being very careful!