Caroline Shipsey

Thursday, 12 May 2011

Hawthorn Blossom

I absolutely love this phase of spring when Cow's Parsley is growing tall on the verges and Hawthorn blossom is flowering on hedges accompanying them, giving the hedgerows a dusting of white.

Looking back through my photos it seems that every year I can't resist making yet another image of the creamy white flowers, and so it is this year too. However, in my garden I have a beautiful red version of the Hawthorn called 'Paul Scarlett' which grows as a standard tree. So by way of a change here is the blossom and the tree!

'Paul Scarlett' Hawthorn from my garden - wonderful splash of vibrant colour amongst the greens.

It's interesting how much more subtle the colour of the flowers look when viewed on the tree from even a short distance as compared to the photo above of the blossom close up.

The tree 'Paul Scarlett' Hawthorn from my garden - wonderful splash of vibrant colour amongst the greens.