Caroline Shipsey

Monday, 23 May 2011

Blagdon Village Fete

What better way to spend a sunny Saturday afternoon than at a good old fashioned village fete!

The setting was idyllic - the garden of Mary Mead overlooking Blagdon Lake. There were all the things one would expect to find - a bottle stall, plants, cakes and preserves, White Elephant! Oh what memories this brings back of my childhood. The White Elephant stall was always a mystery to me as a child!

Blagdon Village Fete 21st May 2011 - relaxing in the garden of Blagdon Court, overlooking Blagdon Lake.

In addition to afternoon teas with homemade cakes there was Yeo Valley ice cream AND hot Yeo Valley organic beef, so tender and succulent it really did almost melt in my mouth.

There was Maypole dancing by the children from the village school, while others
were queuing to have their photo taken with Ted the Owl from the world famous Yeo Valley Rap, which has now received over 1.8 million views on YouTube.

Blagdon Village Fete, 21st may 2011 -  School children Maypole dancing.

It's 11 years since I left Blagdon and there were many faces I recognized. 20 years of my life was spent in the village and I was so sorry to leave but it felt very comfortable to slip back in for an hour or so, and just a little sad not to be part of such a great village community.