Caroline Shipsey

Wednesday, 26 January 2011

The Community Farm

Today I'm feeling pretty good, possibly even excited despite yet another day of fog, rain etc which has left me pretty depressed lately.

So why the high spirits today? Well I'm about to become a shareholder, albeit a small one, in The Community Farm - my cheque is in the post!

The Community Farm is a not-for-profit CSA project which reconnects people with how and where their food is grown. They are Organic growers and run a veg box scheme.

From their website:-
The Community Farm was started by Luke Hasell, Phil Haughton and Jim Twine who all live in the Chew Valley. Luke and Jim started The Story Group a few years ago and supply organic beef and lamb to the local community. Phil runs The Better Food Company, which is an organic supermarket in Bristol, and he has been growing vegetables locally for the last 7 years. All three have a lifetime’s commitment to the principles behind organic farming. They have a shared vision to work with people from Bristol and the Chew Valley and hope to play a small part in reconnecting the local community with agriculture.

The Community Farm is based on Luke’s farm on Denny Lane in the heart of the Chew Valley where 11 acres are currently growing a wide range of organic fruit and vegetables. The farm has been in Luke’s family for generations and is a beautiful and tranquil place with stunning views over the lake.

Having a project like this locally to my home means that I can be really involved if I want to as they run volunteer workshop days, or I can just go and take a look at the progress from time to time.

They still need to raise money to fund the project so no matter where you live please consider sending them a cheque and become a shareholder in this brilliant project. This is the way forward for our food production - locally grown and distributed, eating seasonally, community involvement, fresh organic produce free of pesticides and chemicals.

So yes I am excited about The Community Farm. I already have my vegetables from an organic veg box scheme so I know from experience how good they taste. I think more about planning my meals and make a great effort never to waste anything now.

Please support this project or if there is one closer to you give them your support!

Visit The Community Farm for further information.
Photos courtesy of The Community Farm.