This is a quick round-up of some interesting happenings at Smugmug and on the Dgrin Photography Forum just in case like me you find it hard to follow it all.
Last week saw the launch of Where in the World is Smuggy competition inviting creativity in flaunting Smuggy in interesting and unlikely places in return for a fantastic weekend break in Napa Valley.
The first pictures from the Dgrin Shootout at Glacier National Park can be seen here. WoW - these are some really stunning images.
Next years Dgrin Shootout at Arches National Park is announced - details in this thread.
TUESDAY 9th OCT - UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE : This is now fully booked but you can put your name on a waiting list - email DavidTO, NO pm's.
You might still be able to book a place on the Dgrin/Marc Muench Photo Workshop at Shenandoah National Park.
Finally there is the API competition details here, all developers get a free lifetime Pro account at Smugmug and could win themselves an iPhone.
The results of LPS #13, semi finalists are announced, you can see the images in this thread.
At Smugmug Corner on Sean Sherstone was featured, this is the 5th in a regular weekly spot for Smugmug photographers. Beautiful images and an interesting insight on the life and background of Sean.
Visit Dgrin because there really is huge amount of information and it is a very friendly place. There are forums for Macro, Smugmug Customization, Contests and Challengesand one that I have avoided (being of a rather delicate nature) The Whipping Post. However, when browsing today I discovered that a picture of Trees and Fog had been submitted for critique, well its good to know that I am not alone in my foggy world.
Featured Smugmug Customization - "How to Smugmug default settings"